30 'A Bit of a Stretch' Conspiracy Theories That Might Be True
Nathan Johnson
Conspiracy theories span a wide variety of topics, people, events, and even companies. But what happens when a conspiracy theory becomes a conspiracy fact?
Check out this list of what were once considered outlandish and ridiculous conspiracy theories that ended up being true, proving that the truth is out there if you're brave enough to go looking for it.
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Conspiracy theories span a wide variety of topics, people, events, and even companies. But what happens when a conspiracy theory becomes a conspiracy fact? Check out this list of what were once considered outlandish and ridiculous conspiracy theories that ended up being true. -
"Our politicians want us divided against each other to keep us from turning on them." -
"Modern art that sells for millions is a way for criminals to launder money. I refuse to believe someone paid over 100k for a banana duck taped to a wall. Someone is using that grift to launder their drug money or something." -
"Celebrities aren't actually giving their kids absurd names, they just aren't publicizing their legal names." -
"The woman's clothing industry is a conspiracy. Winter cardigans are intentionally thin so they have to buy more to layer them, no pockets so they have to buy bags." -
"That there are people rich enough to disappear. There must be some billionaires we've never heard of." -
"Adam Sandler makes movies as an excuse to go on vacation with some friends." -
"Disney's frozen is only titled like that so when you Google "Disney frozen" the movie comes up instead of conspiracy theories." -
"Yuri Gagarin was not the first man in space, just the first man to live through it." -
"Starbucks trains its employees to spell names wrong on coffee cups to get pictures of their brand on social media." -
"Facebook and Google are monitoring everything you type, post, and say. There are so many stories of people talking about, say cats, and getting ads for cat food within an hour. They never searched for cats or cat food then or in the past, just said the word a few times. "Reply All" did a podcast episode debunking this theory, but all it boiled down to was an email from Facebook stating they didn't do this." -
"Toothpaste and shampoo commercials show using way too much of the stuff. You need a pea-sized bit of toothpaste but the ads always show it covering the entire brush and then some." -
"During Hurricane Katrina, the Murphy Oil refinery in St. Bernard parish, just outside of New Orleans, had a container rupture and leak oil on a lot of the surrounding neighborhood, including my grandparent's and aunt/uncle's houses. After the cleaning up the land was deemed uninhabitable and the oil company was able to purchase all the land for very, very cheap. Many people that were affected and in the area believe that the oil company did it on purpose, and I tend to believe them." -
During the '80s and the '90s, America became convinced that here was an underground network of Satanists working to kidnap and torture children. While none of it was real, the theories destroyed many lives and livelihoods. -
"Planned obsolescence everywhere in the industry. If everyone stopped replacing their cars and smartphones, imagine the." -
"The "coup attempt" in Turkey was faked in order for Erdogan to consolidate his power and purge the opposition." -
"I believe that there are people richer than the people we know as the richest people in the world." -
"The CIA killed Marilyn Monroe because Kennedy had been disclosing classified information to her." -
"Mattress firm is some sort of giant money laundering scheme. They are everywhere and always empty. I remember seeing 4 mattress firms all on each corner of an intersection once, there is no way there is such a demand for mattresses." -
"That laundry detergent companies suggest using more detergent per load than necessary in order to force people into buying more often." -
"The government had a hand in creating and/or popularizing some of the more outlandish conspiracy theories in order to make questioning the official story seem inherently crazy by association." -
"Lip balm makes your lips dependent on lip balm. Just seems the more you use it the more you need to use it. Not sure if that's an actual conspiracy but that's the best I can come up with on a Monday morning." -
"That Sprite changing their bottle from green to clear doesn't actually help the environment, they are just doing it cuz their green bottles in the water are immediately recognized." -
"The CIA first gave black communities drugs in the 70s as an experiment." -
"Pope John Paul I was assassinated for trying to uncover corruption in the Vatican Bank. He's the only Pope whose body was cremated and I believe it was done to hide the evidence of being poisoned." -
Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, but some think there is more to the story. On April 4, 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. stepped out onto his balcony at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee, and was shot. The civil rights leader died at the Memphis Hospital at 39 years old. The killer, James Earl Ray, was caught and pleaded guilty a year later. However, many people, including King's own children, do not believe Ray acted alone. -
"Trader Joe's parking lots are terrible and small to make the store seem like it's always busy." -
"CSI television shows purposely over play the forensic capabilities of various law enforcement departments to help project an image of total competence." -
"Michael Jackson was chemically castrated as a pre-teen, which is why his singing voice remained so high pitched, and a major contributor to many of his other odd behaviors as an adult." -
"The Colombian government is actively performing criminal activities in all the country in order to remain rich." -
"New Coke was a cover for switching to high fructose corn syrup."